Top 5 Things To Do

From my perspective, there is quite a gap between what is occurring in the world and the actions, or lack thereof, of the general public in the United States. Even those who understand the severity and potential harm of things like climate change and peak oil often behave as if somehow their personal actions do not matter.

I think we are living in a time where every single choice we make is meaningful. Question the carbon footprint of everything you do, buy and eat; then go for the lowest carbon solution. Sometimes that means *not* doing or buying anything at all.

There is nothing wrong with laying back and watching the clouds instead.

More Humans, Less of Everything Else

The extraction of “unconventional” fossil fuels, whether through fracking, deep-water drilling or the unimaginable waste of Canadian tar sands, has provided much of the motivation in my personal life to methodically reduce our family’s CO2 footprint. Since the baseline year of 2000, we have managed to reduce our contribution to greenhouse gasses by approximately 90%. […]