Local Food Movement Growing

Local food production is one of the most important elements of a sustainable community. Since we are situated in the Mojave Desert, most of our food is grown elsewhere and that needs to change. Fortunately, the local food movement is well underway and gaining momentum!

Whether you surround your home with an edible landscape, grow veggies in the garden or want to learn more about getting involved in the many options available, I encourage you to check out each of these organizations and the people behind them. They are part of the growing local food movement in Southern Nevada, an essential part of the sustainability puzzle. More and more pieces are fitting together thanks to them.

Limits Exceeded – The Predicament of Mankind

Civilization has come a long way in the last 10,000 years. To those who follow the latest scientific findings, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be an easy ride going forward. In the early 70s I read the ground-breaking book “Limits to Growth,” detailing a study by 16 scientists at MIT about the consequences […]

Adapting Las Vegas

For over eight years, I have shared ideas about Green Living in this space. The intent has been to hasten a shift toward sustainable community in Southern Nevada while also addressing big issues like climate change. There are many who share my concerns and I am grateful for the significant steps so many have taken […]

Spring Into Green 2014

It’s time to spring into green again. Several green events for Southern Nevadans are underway or coming soon. To be clear, green events have become so popular that they happen all the time in our community, it’s just that some major ones tend to occur at this time of year. Creating a sustainable community requires […]

Looking Back at a Green 2013

Green Living covers a lot of territory. Let’s take a look back with a recap of the topics we covered in this Green 2013. Winter We kicked off the year with “Liking Las Vegas,” highlighting some great green things that have been happening in the valley. The topic of “Solar-Ready Homes” revealed the logic of […]

Las Vegas’ Green Decade Marked by Decathlon Success

UNLV’s Team Las Vegas brings lasting benefits to Las Vegas and visitors to the Springs Preserve with their award-winning DesertSol green home.

Las Vegas’ Historical Harrison House Goes Green

Hey, are you doing anything this evening?  You are invited to the August Green Drinks event at the Harrison House! Mingle with many of Las Vegas’ green leaders, movers and shakers at this historic West Side property that is being rehabilitated into a green demonstration resource for the community. Food and beverages will be on […]

Be a Clean Energy Leader

We recently survived the hottest June on record in Las Vegas, though five valley residents were not so fortunate as the heat wave turned deadly. My car’s thermometer, which has always been fairly accurate, registered an outside temperature of 121 degrees as I drove across town one day. It remained there for several miles before […]

Finding Our Way With Water

Have you ever gotten really lost? I’m not talking about a wrong turn. Getting really lost usually requires some effort, like thinking you’re going the right way for so long that when you finally realize you made a mistake, it may be too late. It happens all too often, to people as well as cultures. […]

Save Some Dates, Save the Planet!

Green living is a broad topic and there are many ways to go about it. From my perspective the overall goal is to live lightly on the planet so as not to exceed the Earth’s ability to naturally sustain the entire diverse tapestry of life, not just us humans. Everything we do is an opportunity […]