Local Food Movement Growing

Local food production is one of the most important elements of a sustainable community. Since we are situated in the Mojave Desert, most of our food is grown elsewhere and that needs to change. Fortunately, the local food movement is well underway and gaining momentum!

Whether you surround your home with an edible landscape, grow veggies in the garden or want to learn more about getting involved in the many options available, I encourage you to check out each of these organizations and the people behind them. They are part of the growing local food movement in Southern Nevada, an essential part of the sustainability puzzle. More and more pieces are fitting together thanks to them.

Adapting Las Vegas

For over eight years, I have shared ideas about Green Living in this space. The intent has been to hasten a shift toward sustainable community in Southern Nevada while also addressing big issues like climate change. There are many who share my concerns and I am grateful for the significant steps so many have taken […]

Edible Landscapes Delight the Palate!

Recently, I had the good fortune to participate in a panel discussion at the monthly meeting of the U.S. Green Building Council – Nevada Chapter. Appropriately, their meetings are held in a beautiful green building built with straw bales, one of several LEED-Platinum structures at the Springs Preserve. The topic was green homes and my […]

Support the Labeling of GMOs in Nevada

Thanks to Pauline Van Betten for this information: Assembly bill 330 has been introduced to REQUIRE MANDATORY LABELING OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD IN NEVADA. The bill has a number but no action items are listed on the website. However, individuals sponsoring the bill have been told there will be a hearing this Friday. At this […]

Action Alert: Label GMOs in Nevada!

Your help is needed to pass BDR 955, a bill to label genetically engineered foods in Nevada!  This bill would give Nevadans the right to know if genetically modified organisms are in our food, and to be able to make informed decisions when purchasing food for our families. It is an unfortunate fact that genetically […]

Liking Las Vegas

I’ve lived in Southern Nevada for about 35 years and, I must admit, I’m really starting to like it. I suppose it takes time for anyone to settle in, but in this case, it is the transformation of the community that is making the difference for me. Ever since Bugsy Siegel’s heyday, there has been […]

Kitchens can be Greenest

What room is (or has the most potential to be) the greenest room in your home? It’s the kitchen – by a mile. You can drive a hybrid or even walk to work, take water-sipping showers, and put solar panels on the roof, but nothing can match the benefits of a green kitchen. It requires […]

Solar Cooking: The New Barbeque

Renewable energy can be fun, easy, inexpensive – and good tasting. Yes, it’s all those things and more when you get into the joy of cooking using a sun oven. We’ve had our sun oven now for about five years and this summer we’ve been using it more than ever (they work during the winter […]

Health: People and Planet

Every home should have a library. It doesn’t even have to be an entire room; just a special place to keep your books will do, or perhaps it’s simply a cozy spot to read your latest treasure from the public library. The point is to value the experience of reading good books. A library is […]