Limits Exceeded – The Predicament of Mankind

Civilization has come a long way in the last 10,000 years. To those who follow the latest scientific findings, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be an easy ride going forward. In the early 70s I read the ground-breaking book “Limits to Growth,” detailing a study by 16 scientists at MIT about the consequences […]

Rob Dorinson: Green Leader

Recycling has been in the news a lot lately. Pilot programs have run for years and finally, after overwhelmingly positive results, local governments are adopting residential single-stream recycling valley-wide. That’s good news for all of us in Southern Nevada since it will be easier than ever for homeowners to reduce their waste and help the […]

Consider the Lowly Carpet

My previous Green Living column focused on the benefits of recycling and the transition to an enhanced single-stream system that dramatically increases participation and reduces waste. Perhaps this is a good time to look closer at what that really means. When we recycle we save energy, improve air and water quality and reduce our need […]

Recycling for Freedom

I am so excited! Finally, after what seems like an eternity, my community (Sun City Anthem in Henderson) will have an opportunity to participate in a new program that really makes a difference. Every homeowner in our area will benefit and the results promise to be spectacular. It will make lives easier, improve the community […]

Computers and Humanity to Others

Most of us use a computer these days and, like everything technical, they evolve. They also tend to get slower over time. Eventually, it’s time to upgrade. If you are savvy, your old PC will be responsibly recycled. The Blind Center of Nevada has a fantastic program to handle that. It is part of the […]

Our Tragic, Plastic World

One thing that distinguishes human beings from other species, according to human beings anyway, is our use of tools. There are a few other animals that use primitive tools but they are quite limited in number and scope. We, on the other hand, are so damn smart! Not only did we invent shovels, we used […]

Lessons Learned

2009 has been a year of learning. With economic challenges at every turn, many have been forced to do more with less. People have downsized, minimized, economized and localized. In a sense it could be considered a sort of natural correction. As we move forward into the New Year we should not forget these important […]

Read a Book, Kill A Watt

I doubt there’s anyone who has not been affected in some way by the current economic crisis. This is a big deal – a game changer of major proportion. Things are tight and getting tighter, causing many of us to reexamine our lives and our assumptions about what we’ve so often taken for granted. I’ve […]

Time to Reflect

It’s that time of year again. Whether you celebrate the Solstice or Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, or even Festivus, may you and your loved ones experience much joy, happiness and good health. We’ve turned the corner in our annual journey around the Sun; our days are again growing longer. The New Year offers promise and […]

Green Burials – Return to the Earth, Naturally

Many of the benefits of green living are in real time. We enjoy them as they happen. Paying less money at the gas pump or for a utility bill can be a rewarding activity these days. Our lives are also enhanced by green buildings or by making healthy dietary choices. In my humble opinion however, […]