Watershed Management Group is Making a Difference

The task of creating a more resilient community can often seem overwhelming, assuming one is even thinking about it at all. Fortunately more and more of us are not only thinking about it, but actively looking for ways to make a difference. There is so much to do. Effective change has as much to do […]

Nevada’s 2013 Conservation Scorecard

The Nevada Conservation League (NCL) is an organization that works for everyone in the state when it comes to environmental issues. I am fortunate to be a member of the board of directors for both the Nevada Conservation League and the Nevada Conservation League Education Fund. It is one more way I get to practice […]

Buycott: Make Empowered Buying Decisions

Green Living is all about making informed decisions. I love the fact that people with good intentions can make a difference when they have the right information. That’s empowerment and it allows us to “vote” with our dollars on a regular basis, not just on Election Day. Our purchases have a tremendous impact on our […]

Las Vegas’ Historical Harrison House Goes Green

Hey, are you doing anything this evening?  You are invited to the August Green Drinks event at the Harrison House! Mingle with many of Las Vegas’ green leaders, movers and shakers at this historic West Side property that is being rehabilitated into a green demonstration resource for the community. Food and beverages will be on […]

The Importance of Leadership

Good leadership is important. It can make or break a community, a nation, even our world. As citizens we depend on leaders to establish policies and standards that make our community safe. They must balance the immediate needs of many while keeping an eye on long-term trends that will shape our future. It’s not an […]

Earth Day – It Should be Every Day

April is always a busy month for anyone with a bit of green in them and this is the week for premier events. Celebration The fourth annual GreenFest and the 17th annual Festival of Communities are being combined this Saturday, April 20, 11:00 AM -6:00 PM on the UNLV campus. This is a major event […]

Save Some Dates, Save the Planet!

Green living is a broad topic and there are many ways to go about it. From my perspective the overall goal is to live lightly on the planet so as not to exceed the Earth’s ability to naturally sustain the entire diverse tapestry of life, not just us humans. Everything we do is an opportunity […]

Rob Dorinson: Green Leader

Recycling has been in the news a lot lately. Pilot programs have run for years and finally, after overwhelmingly positive results, local governments are adopting residential single-stream recycling valley-wide. That’s good news for all of us in Southern Nevada since it will be easier than ever for homeowners to reduce their waste and help the […]

Green Real Estate in Nevada

Imagine you had some great products to sell. They were the best available in terms of value and longevity. They helped protect people’s health and improved their quality of life. They were so good that the people who actually found out about them agreed to buy as many as you could make for the price […]

Liking Las Vegas

I’ve lived in Southern Nevada for about 35 years and, I must admit, I’m really starting to like it. I suppose it takes time for anyone to settle in, but in this case, it is the transformation of the community that is making the difference for me. Ever since Bugsy Siegel’s heyday, there has been […]