Top 5 Things To Do

From my perspective, there is quite a gap between what is occurring in the world and the actions, or lack thereof, of the general public in the United States. Even those who understand the severity and potential harm of things like climate change and peak oil often behave as if somehow their personal actions do not matter.

I think we are living in a time where every single choice we make is meaningful. Question the carbon footprint of everything you do, buy and eat; then go for the lowest carbon solution. Sometimes that means *not* doing or buying anything at all.

There is nothing wrong with laying back and watching the clouds instead.

Local Food Movement Growing

Local food production is one of the most important elements of a sustainable community. Since we are situated in the Mojave Desert, most of our food is grown elsewhere and that needs to change. Fortunately, the local food movement is well underway and gaining momentum!

Whether you surround your home with an edible landscape, grow veggies in the garden or want to learn more about getting involved in the many options available, I encourage you to check out each of these organizations and the people behind them. They are part of the growing local food movement in Southern Nevada, an essential part of the sustainability puzzle. More and more pieces are fitting together thanks to them.

More Humans, Less of Everything Else

The extraction of “unconventional” fossil fuels, whether through fracking, deep-water drilling or the unimaginable waste of Canadian tar sands, has provided much of the motivation in my personal life to methodically reduce our family’s CO2 footprint. Since the baseline year of 2000, we have managed to reduce our contribution to greenhouse gasses by approximately 90%. […]

Resilient Self-Sufficiency: The Garden Pool

Some may think my concerns are misplaced but for those who follow the science and pay attention to actual facts, we are living in a time of extreme and rapid change. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Climate change is not just about polar bears, penguins and Greenland’s melting ice. Climate change harms people, […]

Limits Exceeded – The Predicament of Mankind

Civilization has come a long way in the last 10,000 years. To those who follow the latest scientific findings, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be an easy ride going forward. In the early 70s I read the ground-breaking book “Limits to Growth,” detailing a study by 16 scientists at MIT about the consequences […]

Watershed Management Group is Making a Difference

The task of creating a more resilient community can often seem overwhelming, assuming one is even thinking about it at all. Fortunately more and more of us are not only thinking about it, but actively looking for ways to make a difference. There is so much to do. Effective change has as much to do […]

Adapting Las Vegas

For over eight years, I have shared ideas about Green Living in this space. The intent has been to hasten a shift toward sustainable community in Southern Nevada while also addressing big issues like climate change. There are many who share my concerns and I am grateful for the significant steps so many have taken […]

Thankful Green Living

Home is especially meaningful on Thanksgiving, where we gather with family and friends to express our good fortune. Just having a home provides much to be thankful for, since far too many go without. Imagine how different it could be for the less fortunate among us if, through our actions to help ourselves, we could […]

The Human Race – Can We Win It?

It is interesting how some words have more than one meaning. Race is one of them. It can be a form of competition where the fastest one wins, but it can also be a group of people, such as the human race. The irony of this juxtaposition is that the human race is in a […]

Las Vegas’ Green Decade Marked by Decathlon Success

UNLV’s Team Las Vegas brings lasting benefits to Las Vegas and visitors to the Springs Preserve with their award-winning DesertSol green home.