Spring Into Green 2014

It’s time to spring into green again. Several green events for Southern Nevadans are underway or coming soon. To be clear, green events have become so popular that they happen all the time in our community, it’s just that some major ones tend to occur at this time of year. Creating a sustainable community requires […]

Looking Back at a Green 2013

Green Living covers a lot of territory. Let’s take a look back with a recap of the topics we covered in this Green 2013. Winter We kicked off the year with “Liking Las Vegas,” highlighting some great green things that have been happening in the valley. The topic of “Solar-Ready Homes” revealed the logic of […]

Earth Day – It Should be Every Day

April is always a busy month for anyone with a bit of green in them and this is the week for premier events. Celebration The fourth annual GreenFest and the 17th annual Festival of Communities are being combined this Saturday, April 20, 11:00 AM -6:00 PM on the UNLV campus. This is a major event […]

Save Some Dates, Save the Planet!

Green living is a broad topic and there are many ways to go about it. From my perspective the overall goal is to live lightly on the planet so as not to exceed the Earth’s ability to naturally sustain the entire diverse tapestry of life, not just us humans. Everything we do is an opportunity […]

Earth Day’s GREENFest

For green living aficionados, nothing beats Earth Day, the greenest holiday of the year. Unlike most holidays that celebrate significant past events, Earth Day celebrates our future. It’s an event that is increasingly relevant to more people every year. The coolest thing about Earth Day is that people gather not only to celebrate and have […]

Looking Back on 2010

As 2010 comes to a close, I thought it would be interesting to take a quick run back through the year’s Green Living column topics to reflect on what where we’ve been and perhaps get a glimpse of where we might be going.

Earth Day – or rather, Eaarth Day

April 22 should be a GLOBAL holiday of deep significance. Seriously, I mean that. I can’t think of any other day whose meaning carries greater potential or consequence for life. It should be a celebration, and calibration, of our future. Earth is home to all people; every religion, nationality, race and political persuasion – not […]

Earth Day in Southern Nevada

Want to make sure that you don’t miss out on any of the events that are being scheduled for Earth Day? The Southern Nevada Group of the Sierra Club (Toiyabe Chapter) has created a special website just for EarthDay – check it out at EarthDayLV.com. The site is aiming to list all the local events […]