2013 Solar Home Tour

The 9th Annual Southern Nevada Solar Home Tour is just around the corner! October 5, 2013 @ 10 am The American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Tour is the world’s largest grassroots solar event. It offers people from all over the country an opportunity to visit innovative green homes and buildings to see how you […]

From Daylighting to Moonlighting

Green buildings perform well by incorporating a variety of ways to increase efficiency and enhance occupant comfort. Perhaps one of the most common strategies is daylighting, a means of utilizing natural light for interior illumination. It not only reduces energy usage, but provides natural, full-spectrum light that enhances our well-being. When an architect designs a […]

Tour of Solar Homes

Seven years ago, Southern Nevada experienced its first Solar Home Tour. At the time, I was involved with a great non-profit group called Solar NV, the Southern Nevada chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES). I had attended a few solar home tours in Arizona and they were always a great experience. Our group […]

Energy Audits Make Sense

There are now new homes on the market that are getting greener with every passing week. While that’s great for those in the market for a new high-performance home, what about the thousands of us with existing homes, condos and apartments that weren’t built to the newer green standards? There are many ways to “green” […]