How to Find a Solar-Friendly Home

Nothing beats a solar-friendly home. The explosion of interest in solar energy continues and for good reason. Harvesting clean, fresh energy from the sun provides so many benefits that it is impossible to ignore. Systems are more affordable than ever, plus they are dependable, long-lasting, help the environment and make excellent home improvement investments. While […]

Tour of Solar Homes

Seven years ago, Southern Nevada experienced its first Solar Home Tour. At the time, I was involved with a great non-profit group called Solar NV, the Southern Nevada chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES). I had attended a few solar home tours in Arizona and they were always a great experience. Our group […]

Passive House – Ultra Efficiency

This column often explores the exciting transformation taking place in the building industry. Green building programs have grown and multiplied at an amazing rate in recent years. We’ve looked at Energy Star, LEED and even the Living Building Challenge. These programs are important because they raise the bar and provide real-world examples of what is […]

Let the Sun Shine In

I love winters in Southern Nevada! In fact, just about anytime from October to June is fine by me, but deep winter is special. I suppose it’s a stretch to call our relatively mild and brief period of cool weather “deep winter” but hey, it’s all we’ve got! One reason I like it so much […]